Posts tagged wedding trends
2022 Wedding Trends
wedding trends for 2022

Fun Fact: This year is going to have more weddings than any year since 1984!
If you have not locked in your venue yet you can probably prepare to wait until 2023 to get married and just enjoy all of your friend’s weddings until then. Many of the weddings happening in 2022 are actually just 2020 weddings pushed back! Couples are tired of planning and replanning their weddings, and this means that decor will be simple and every detail will matter. Today we have put together some of the strongest trends that you will see in 2022.

Terra cotta and Sage

These colors (separately) will be flooding your Instagram and Pinterest feeds. We are seeing organic earthy tones combat the modern simplicity of the wedding signage and decor. This color palette is also a reflection of current social trends such as the “green” movement, self care, and intensional living

Clean but Bold

Non embellished wedding dresses are ready to be a statement piece. Your wedding dress sets the tone for the entire day and will be the centerpiece of most of the photos. Brides are realizing the importance of letting the dress show off her natural beauty while also showing off her personal style. This also applies to decor, as more couples are opting for minimalist looks with solid colors

Large Weddings

Micro weddings are out and huge bashes are the way of the future! We have all been stuck inside for long enough that guests are ready to party and couples are itching to go all out. Virtual RSVP’s will be blowing up in order to keep all of the guests organized, so be sure to take a look at the wedding website

Vow Renewals

Many of the weddings that are happening are actually vow renewals! The pandemic made couples either fall in love quickly and deeply (life is short), or skip the traditional reception all together, so there have been many elopements over the last couple years. 2022 is the year that we finally get to all celebrate the love together!

“Special” tuxes

This trend has been in the works for a while, but this year there’s definitely an uptick. The white dress has always been the “stand out” outfit, but more and more people are opting to wear something different than their wedding party, grooms want to feel special too! We’re seeing more creative suit options (colors, patterns, fabrics) and they’re even getting more involved in the planning (finally!)

Cheers to a new year of love and celebrations! We can’t wait to bring you more amazing wedding content. Have something in particular you think we should write about? Let us know in the comments or send us an email here


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

2021 Bridal Trends
winter wedding

Going into 2021 we all have high hopes and low expectations of the year. 2020 brides are fighting to get 2021 dates, but no one really knows what this year is going to bring. The only thing this is sure is that weddings will be happening 7 days a week whether there’s 25 people or 250 people allowed to congregate. (Thank you Zoom for bringing us all together when we can’t actually be together!) During these nuptials there will be a few trends that really stick out. 

1. Masks are cool!

Whether you like it or not, masks are there to stay for a while. If you are gathering in a large group of people, our suggestion is to find a fabulous cotton mask that matches your outfit and rock it like any other statement piece. If you are willing to go the extra mile and keep it on for pictures, you will even save on makeup because anything below the mask doesn’t matter! We’ve even seen brides have masks made to match their gowns. This may be scary to think about it, but showing that to your future children will be one crazy story!

2. Outdoor venues

More than ever couples are searching for venues with as much open space and fresh air as possible. Not only will ceremonies be outside, but cocktail hour will be fireside and the reception will be under a beautifully decorated tent. Guests should bring an extra layer for warmth, but most venues will have a large collection of space heaters to keep the reception warm and cozy. 

3. Less is best

Any head count you had assumed you would end up with years ago is now being cut in half. Couples are having to be picky about who gets to spend their special day with them. Sorry distant relatives, if you aren’t willing to have the couple over for Sunday dinner then you probably won’t be invited to the nuptials. Some couples are holding out for the large party and we love that for them, but those are weddings that will happen much later in the year.

Side note: no matter how big your wedding, if you’re getting married in 2021 and haven’t ordered your wedding dress yet, it’s time!

4. Mood lighting

Since everything is now being set outside lighting is more crucial than ever before. Electricity? Who needs it? We have candles galore! And if that’s not enough we can add a few (or as many as you can find) twinkle lights all around the tented reception to shine like the stars that are glowing above the tent. So romantic!! 

5. Weekday weddings

Every couple that had to cancel their wedding in 2020 filled up their venue’s schedule for every Saturday in 2021, so weekday weddings are now taking over. If the specific venue is a priority and you got engaged after 2019, you will be getting married on a Thursday and starting a long weekend of being newlyweds by Friday morning! With most of America working from home right now, and restrictions on head counts, the people who are an important part of your wedding should have an easier time attending mid-week than ever before. 

6. Skip the skippable

There are so many overwhelming little details that go into wedding planning that we think can be cut off of your to-do list. Menu cards, ceremony schedules, and guest gifts are just a few of the extra headaches that end up getting left behind and forgotten about. Spend your money on the food/experience rather than the stuff that will be left behind after the DJ plays the final song. Keep what is really important to you and ditch the details that don’t bring you any joy. 

We aren’t exactly sure what 2021 is going to bring, but we can’t wait to watch love win over everything! Your wedding day is about you and the love of your life vowing to stand by each other’s side through the good and the bad. Let’s be honest, a pandemic is just a test of this promise that if you got this far in the blog, we know you’ll be just fine. Let us know which of these trends you’ll be incorporating into your wedding this year!

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Get enough wine in her and she will tell you about her perfectly planned wedding. Just promise not to ask about the groom, that’s one detail she’s still working on. Lauren is based in NYC and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here