Ceremony Backdrop Ideas Based on Your Venue

ceremony backdrop ideas

Second to the dress, your ceremony backdrop will set the vibes of your wedding and has the ability to make or break your theme. This will also be what surrounds you and your new spouse in the “first kiss” photo we all dream of hanging on our walls forever. Many people end up taking this on as a DIY project, so don’t procrastinate starting this part of the decor! Today we have put together some inspo for you based on your venue choice. 

Outdoors/Scenic Views

If you are getting married in a forest or a lush mountaintop, you will be saving a lot of money on flowers and decor! We recommend framing the focus point with a simple arch or geometric shape made of either steel or wood that you will be standing in front of in that first kiss picture.

Statement building

If you chose your venue based off of the architecture, use your favorite part as the ceremony backdrop! This could be the fire place, the staircase, or even the front door. Whatever drew you to that location in the first place should be the most photographed and shared. 

Open concept space

If you have nothing but a blank slate to work with, you get to be as creative as possible. Start from the ground up with candles, pillars, flowers, greenery, anything to create a statement. It might feel overwhelming trying to fill the space, but keep in mind that all of the pieces can be moved around to decorate for the reception during the room switch (this is also the part where it’s super helpful to have a wedding planner or designer).

Country Club

If you are getting married anywhere that other people could potentially be walking around your ceremony location, we recommend creating some sort of screen as your backdrop. This could be as crazy as an old door with chipped paint, or as classic as draped fabric surrounded by flowers.  This type of solidity really defines the space

The most important thing to remember is that your ceremony backdrop will be the center of many of your wedding photos, as it’s not only a big piece of your special day, but also the first impression of your decor style to guests and will define the theme of your wedding more than anything else. It is also good to remember that any decor you use for the ceremony can be repurposed for the reception. You don’t want all of that creativity to go to waste! We’re all about repurposing here.


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn