Posts in Wedding Prep
Timeless Wedding Details- People Submissions!

Trends can be fun and for those that have been married for a while, it can be even funny to look back on what you (initially) thought was important or looked good. So I asked people who have been married for 5+ years what details they still LOVED about their wedding day. Not everything will last the test of time, but these did for them! So if you’re in the middle of wedding planning and are probably a little overwhelmed, maybe one of these notes will help some of those decisions:

“We really made it ‘our vibe’! Classic vintage with a quirky twist. I also DIY’d a lot!


“Spending 10 minutes alone, just the two of us right after the ceremony before greeting people. We also had a live band, lots of dancing, and an open bar! It was so fun!”


“Instead of a guest book, we had folks write us letters that we would open in the future. We opened letters on year 1, 5, 7, and then the last will be opened this year at year 10. We’ve had so much fun on those anniversaries, popping open a bottle of champagne and reading wonderful notes from everyone who was there with us that night”


“We did NOT do a first look. As much as I love them from the planning side, I’m glad we didn’t do it.”


“I tell everyone to do this (and our planner told us): While everyone was at cocktail hour, we had a private room overlooking the [cocktail hour] space where we were able to drink champagne and eat appetizers in peace for 10-15 minutes together. It was a way to see the decor and our guests celebrating without anyone knowing we were on the balcony above observing and taking a moment for ourselves”


“We loved doing a first dance, a garter toss, and a fun exit!”


“Our wedding was in St. Lucia and we spent a week before and after the wedding there. People filtered in and out based on availability, but we got to spend real time with everyone instead of just the wedding day (when you really don’t spend time with anyone)”


“I had three flower girls and I don’t regret that. I loved them!”


“We did our first look before the ceremony so all our photos were already taken. After the ceremony we spent 30 minutes together in private before joining the party. Being able to mingle with friends and family during cocktail hour was important to us. Almost 10 years later and it’s still the best part of the night outside of dancing!”


At the end of the day, make your wedding your own and concentrate on what’s most important to you both. Remember to take even a few minutes to just soak in those special moments alone. Whether it’s during a first look, after the ceremony, or a private dance at the end of the night; because the entire point of the WHOLE THING is that you got married to your special person and the stress and adrenaline of planning can sometimes take from that.

If you’ve been married for over 5 years and have something to add, let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

Wedding Day Skincare Prep

Wedding prep isn’t just about ordering your outfit on time or booking vendors, it’s also about preparing yourself. Mentally, of course, but also physically (and we’re not referring to body size here).

In today’s post we’re talking skincare so you can GLOW on your wedding day, feeling your absolute best walking down that aisle. And there’s no better person to give us all the tips than Jillian Gottlieb: a hilarious actress, talented singer, and the TikTok skincare queen. But before we dive in to all the extra things you should do and when, it’s important that you already have your daily skincare routine locked in. Let’s go over that first:

Sample Morning routine

  1. Cleanse

    (or skip this and go right to toner if you have dry skin)

  2. Tone

  3. Vitamin C Serum*

    You always want to pick a Vitamin C with the L-Ascorbic Acid between 10-20%. My fave is Skinceuticals CE Ferulic, or budget friendly Timeless, Maelove Glowmaker, or Makeup Artists Choice are also great.

  4. Moisturizer

  5. Eye Cream

  6. Mineral SPF*

*The most important morning products are your Vitamin C Serum and SPF so pay special attention to those!

Sample night routine

  1. Cleanse

  2. Tone

  3. Some nights AHA/BHA/PHA (chemical exfoliant pad / serum)*

  4. Alternate Nights retinol or your prescription retinoid*

  5. Eye Cream

  6. Cover both with moisturizer

*At night, your retinol or prescription retinoid are key alternated with chemical exfoliants

Regardless if you’re getting married or not, having a regular morning & night skincare routine is important for keeping your skin looking and feeling its best! Be sure to start this as soon as you can and keep up with it post-wedding. Remember that everyone’s skin responds differently so starting early will be helpful in determining which products work/don’t work for you, and give your skin time to react.

3-4 weeks pre-wedding

If budget isn’t an issue (or you want to splurge) a laser treatment like Fraxel Dual or Clear and Brilliant, or a chemical peel will be sure to give you the wedding-day skin you dream of. All of these things I would schedule for 3-4 weeks before the big day. That will give you ample time to heal, but you'll still have that post-laser / post-peel glow!

Don't want an in-office treatment? I recommend getting Olga Lorencin's Red Carpet Facial in a Box and using it a few nights a week up till your wedding. This is glowy skin in a box, and I absolutely swear by it! Plus, it’s a great budget-friendly option.

2 weeks pre-wedding

If you already do Botox (and/or fillers) two weeks before your wedding is a perfect time for your touchup appointment! If you're a bruiser, this will give you ample time for swelling to go down and everything to settle beautifully.

If you're new to Botox (and/or fillers) and want to start doing these things before your wedding, then I recommend starting at least 6 months before the big day, or more if you can. You want to try these things out with ample time before your wedding so you can get acclimated to how it looks and feels. And if you don't like it - it'll be gone by your wedding! Highly recommend NOT getting botox or fillers for the very first time right before your wedding if you can't commit to doing a few "practice runs" months before.

4-5 days pre-wedding

If you want a gorgeous pre-wedding glow on a budget - schedule yourself a facial and add-on microdermabrasion or derma-planing. You can find great deals for this in NYC for about $150, so out of NYC this should be cheaper.

A little note to remember as well: many external factors will play a role in your skin health such as diet, sun exposure, make up, and smoking or alcohol.

If you want more info on anything we’ve gone over in the blog post, here are a few links to my TikTok:

Wedding Timeline Video:

My fave Chemical Peel:

Why You Need Vitamin C Serum:

Starting a Skincare Routine:

What is Dermaplaning:

How to alternate nighttime retinoids and chemical exfoliants:

Brand New to Skincare and confused?:

Everything you need before and after laser treatment:

Everything on Vitamin C can be found in my "Vitamin C playlist"

Retinoid info - "Retinol/Retinoid" playlist

Derma-planing and facials - "dermaplaning/facials" playlist

Other playlists include : Fillers. Botox. Chemical Peels. Sunscreen. And Skincare Routines which is all about how to use your products and apply them, and detailed morning and nighttime routines.

If you’re not following her already, Jillian can be found on TikTok @jilliangottlieb (main platform for skincare tips) and Instagram @jillian.gottlieb. For questions or collabs, you can email her at or check out her website


Jillian Gottlieb, Author

Jillian is the master of combining skincare tips with comedy, gaining over 200k followers on TikTok. She’s based in NYC, but her acting work has brought her all over the country through theatre, commercials, and TV shows. She has a passion for books, cheese, and not taking herself too seriously

Tips for Wedding Dress Overwhelm

Shopping for a wedding dress can be an exciting and also daunting process. There are countless options out there and so many stores in every town, how do you narrow down and pick just one to say yes to? We are here to help with a 5 step plan to help you successfully find your wedding dress with zero stress and all of the fun!

Before that though, it’s important to remember that this is your experience and you need do what’s best for you. That means not letting the blogs (hi!), your family, or what you see on television sway you away from what is right for you. Our only hope is that is you can take these few steps into consideration, your bridal appointment will be one to remember forever.

  1. Pick your budget

Before you can begin looking at dresses, you have to know how much you would like to spend on your wedding gown! To have a large assortment of options, a budget somewhere in the realm of $2000-4000 will give you access to many of the main stream designers

Don’t forget: budget INCLUDES alterations, shoes, and accessories so be sure to take all those into account

2. Timing is everything

Wedding dresses are special ordered to your size and can take up to 8 months to make. This means that you should choose your gown about a year before your wedding. On average you should expect 6 months for delivery and 2 months for alterations. It’s never too early to find your dress because will love it for the next 50 years as much as you love it the day you found it! There are also plenty of options available is you have less than 6 months to find the perfect dress, so just work with your store to find exactly what you need

3. Do your research

Choose the store you shop at carefully. Make sure you read the reviews on every store you’re interested in and see what designers they carry. Google the price points of each designer and make sure that the designer you are most interested in is in your price point. Don’t know what designer you like? Make a Pinterest board of dresses that excite you, most of the time you will find a trend. From there you can simply google what their price point is typically (or you can ask the company and/or wedding salon)

4. Location Matters

Be sure to take into account the location and/or time of year you’re getting married. If you’re having a beach wedding, you’ll be much more comfortable in a light and airy dress as opposed to a giant satin ballgown. Or for the colder months, remember to add a jacket or faux fur stole into the budget. We’re all for wearing whatever you want on your special day, but remember that your comfort should definitely be factored in

5. Follow your gut

FOMO is a trickster when it comes to wedding dresses. If you have already picked your budget, and done your research, there is no reason that you shouldn’t find your dress in your first day of shopping. None of this “it’s only my first time shopping” excuse, because deep down you know what you want. But, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, that’s totally normal! Your stylist will help you bring your dream to life by finding out what you like and don’t like in a dress, and pulling you the gown that checks all of your boxes. When you’re twirling in the dress, smiling, and picturing yourself on your wedding day, follow your gut and say yes to the dress!

When it comes to wedding dress shopping you should obviously be trying them on in person, however, there is so much research you can do before even setting foot in a salon! This will save you a ton of time and frustration, plus when you do finally go in for your first appointment you’ll be extra prepared and have a more productive shopping experience.


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

5 Tips for a Stress-Less Wedding

I have been a writer for as long as my memory serves me. I’ve always found it rather difficult to audibly express thoughts and emotions, so I write. Having been diagnosed with anxiety and depression at an early age, it has served as one of many coping mechanisms that have carried me through life in some of the most stressful times I’ve needed it most. For some, the upcoming wedding season may be just that.

From dresses to design, menus to invitations, unsolicited advice, planners and parents and long-distant cousins expecting a spot in your budget, wedding planning can quickly go from excitement to dread. 

According to the National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 5 adults will experience some form of mental health struggle. Despite the rising prevalence of mental illness in society, particularly over the last couple of years thanks to the stress of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we are only recently reaching a point where it is becoming far less taboo to openly discuss. Wedding planning has a notorious reputation as a cause of significant stress on couples and their families. Willing to be open with your future spouse about your mental health is crucial for not only your overall well-being, but a healthy relationship and marriage is built on a solid foundation of trust and honesty.

Caring for your mental health while wedding planning is an important step towards relieving yourself of successfully beginning your new life together, and so I’d like to share five tips to help you maneuver any obstacles on your way down the aisle:


Living in the Age of Social Media, we are constantly inundated with the perceived best, newest, and hottest trends from fashion to food, and weddings are no exception. Type “wedding ideas” into the Pinterest search tab, and thousands of pretty pictures will pop up reflecting your perfect fairy tale nuptials. Unless you were born with the purse strings of a Kardashian, chances are you won’t be able to afford every last dreamy detail. Start by making a list and figuring out what’s most important to you on your wedding day (aside from getting hitched to your best friend, of course). When you look back in 10 years, what are you going to care about most? If it doesn’t bring you peace of mind, leave it behind. 


Okay, you don’t have to actually meditate, but find an activity or something else that helps you re-center, focus, and relax. It could be a special Spotify playlist, a walk in the park, re-reading a favorite comfort book, taking a bubble bath or a cool shower, or simply doing absolutely nothing in a hammock. According to Walden University, even just 30 minutes of moderate exercise has been shown to reduce stress and aid in better sleep, which in turn helps reduce depression and anxiety. Find what fits to release those endorphins. 


I know you’re probably sick of hearing it, but you need to drink more water! No, coffee and soda do not count. Repeat after me: w-a-t-e-r, otherwise known as H2O. According to, dehydration leads to higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Staying well hydrated reduces those cortisol levels (along with bloating), thus allowing you to more calmly tackle your mother’s insistence on roses over orchids for the 3rd time this week. 


Get ready to make like Marie Kondo and de-clutter: your mind, your home, your social circle if need be. Put away that laundry you’ve been staring at for 3 weeks, throw away the junk mail that’s been piling up on the counter, and for the love of God, clean out the fridge of those leftovers that have been growing a science experiment for the last month. You know what I’m talking about. Unsupportive friends raining on your wedding planning ideas? Debbie downer throwing a fit you’ve opted for a child-free event? Bye, Felicia – you don’t have time for any of that mess. Decluttering your life will quite literally bring you more peace of mind. 

Set Boundaries

This one is probably the most difficult to put into action. Setting boundaries in any way – with our friends, family, coworkers, even ourselves – is much easier said than done, but it’s an absolute must for a stress-less wedding (and life). Remember, this is you and your partner’s wedding. Yes, your family is important, and there is nothing wrong with wanting their opinions and finding ways to honor them if you wish, but ultimately this day is about the two of you and no one else. You don’t owe anyone an invitation, a plus-one, a spot in the bridal party, nothing. You do owe it to yourself and your relationship to set those boundaries that keep toxicity out of your life, even if others don’t agree. If it’s hurting your mental health, it needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. 

Let me be clear: I am not a doctor.

I don’t pretend to be, and I won’t say that these tips are going to be 100% effective for everyone, nor will they magically cure anyone of a more serious mental health condition. These are only some of the strategies I use in my everyday life as someone who’s been living with mental illness for almost 20 years, and someone who successfully planned a stress-free wedding of my own using these same tactics.

The most important thing I hope you remember is this: admitting you’re struggling mentally is nothing to be ashamed of, and if you’ve been implementing some or all of these tips into your life and still find you’re not where you’d like to be, please seek the help of a mental health professional. You are worthy of a beautiful wedding day, a thriving start to your marriage, and a peaceful mind. 

Best wishes to you and your partner. I hope you’re blessed with a lifetime of happiness together!


Megan Sabljakovic, Author

Megan is a freelance writer based in Texas. Aside from writing, she’s also a big animal lover and has become passionate about helping reptiles, particularly snakes. She has many of her own and now does snake education & relocation through Lone Star Snakes. Click here to learn more!

Taking My Own Wedding Advice
valentine's day proposal

Lauren here! For almost 5 years now I have been giving wedding advice through selling wedding dresses, adding to the black hole that is bridal TikTok, and assisting with writing these blogs. All of that time I was just sharing what I had learned from people around me (as well as the internet…). In reality my only wedding planning experience was in my dreams. 

That all is about to change because I got engaged last week!!

Wow, 13 year old me is still panicking that this day finally came and it was better than I could have ever dreamed of. And because I am that girl, many details of my wedding have already been planned. It also didn’t help that my now fiancé isn’t very good at keeping secrets! 

All of this to say, this blog is about to have some real life examples of wedding planning  highs, lows, frustrations, and celebrations. 

So what should you do after getting engaged?

The one piece of advice that I’ve heard before is to give yourself some time to take it all in. I am only going to be engaged once in my life, and in the grand scheme of things it’s going to be such a small period in my life. For now I’m going to sit back, gaze at my perfect vintage engagement ring, and enjoy the high that I’m riding on.  After that will be choosing a date, setting a guest list, and locking in a budget. (All of that has been done in a note on my phone for a while now because I’m me, but it’s time to add our team player to the game) 

The venue will be the first detail you want to confirm because that will determine the date and other vendors that will be necessary. Some will be all inclusive and you will just sit back and relax. Others will only provide their four walls and you will have a long road of decisions again. Our venue has already been selected (pre-proposal/pre- even meeting my fiancé ) and it’s not even a real wedding venue, so this will not be a simple process. That means more for me to share with you as I learn and possibly drive myself crazy! 

The vendors we are most excited to decide on are photographer and caterer. Those will most likely be our next decisions because it’s what we want to invest in the most. If you are in the same boat at me, I’d recommend prioritizing with your partner so that you put your money into things that actually matter to you both.

To see a full breakdown of a wedding planning timeline, check out our previous blog here 

Do any of you past brides have any advice for me, a future bride?! Let me know in the comments!

PS- Yes, the scene in the illustration is from the actual proposal! A magical Valentine’s Day night on a rooftop in Kansas City, MO


Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Lauren is based in Kansas CIty and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here

How to Choose your Wedding Party
how to pick your wedding party

Choosing your wedding party can be overwhelming. These people are essentially being deemed your “favorites” and the pressure to not disappoint can be a lot. If you have a small social circle or doing just family, it might be easy. However, the majority of people have a hard time trying to narrow it down between their 3 different friend groups, family members, and matching their party numbers with their fiance’s side. If you can’t decide, there’s a few factors that you should consider before making someone part of your wedding party.

But before we get into it, there’s one point I want to emphasize before anything: you are under NO OBLIGATION to ask anyone to be in your wedding party. They need to not only be your favorite humans, but also will be empathetic, focus on your vision, and be there for you throughout this whole planning process.


This is #1 in deciding who is going to be in your inner circle. Your best friend can be amazing, but if they’re going to cause you more stress than help then maybe being a part of the wedding party isn’t for them (same goes for your sibling). Choose your party based on friends and family who will truly be a support system for you because 90% of couples will tell you that wedding planning is STRESSFUL and they need all the assistance (emotional or otherwise) they can get

Length of relationship

Connection is not solely based on how long you’ve known someone, but for a lot of people it works out that way as their relationship with you is more developed. That being said you should NOT create your wedding party based on who you’ve known the longest, but it’s also probably not the best idea to ask your new friend of 3 months either. Don't always look at the people you may spend a lot of time based on proximity or convenience. The best wedding party members are those that stick with you through thick and thin despite regardless of where they might physically live


If you’re a more traditional person, or want to incorporate traditions into your wedding, then take note of those first while you put your list of people together (especially if you’re having a multi cultural wedding). For example: Greek weddings usually don’t have a wedding party at all (look at that your list is done!), while Americans include their siblings as well as their fiance’s siblings on both sides

Head Count

This is a big one. The first thing you should be doing is going over numbers with your partner. If you’ve settled on an intimate guest list, then you don’t need a gigantic wedding party. Just go down to “bare bones” like siblings or your best friend, you don’t want half of your attendees standing up at the altar with you.

Pros of having a smaller wedding party (1-5 people):

  • Less people means less opinions

  • It’s cheaper. If money isn’t an issue, easier to customize or give nicer gifts/perks

  • Easier to coordinate

    The cons:

  • You might not be able to include everyone you wanted

  • Not as many people to help with typical “wedding party duties” (bridal shower, bach party, etc)

Pros of a larger wedding party (6+ people):

  • More people to help and support you throughout the wedding process

  • If you want to do a look of non-matching outfits, more people is the way to accomplish that

  • Allows you to include all your loved ones

The cons:

  • More people means more opinions and that can get overwhelming

  • More people to coordinate and accommodate

  • More people to add to your guest list if each person has a significant other

  • More expensive

I also want to note a couple things:

  1. Just because you’d like someone to be part of your wedding party, doesn’t mean they want to be in it. This can be for a variety of reasons: they can’t afford it, they have social anxiety, they don’t have the time, etc. Whatever the reason, don’t take it personally and respect their decision. The job can be a lot to handle and it’s not for everyone. That being said, it’s ok (i.e. encouraged) to make a mental backup list.

  2. There are other ways to be included in the wedding without being part of the “wedding party”. Suggestions include wedding officiant, reader/speech giver, performer (if they’re a musician/singer/poet), an escort to you or someone else down the aisle, or legal witness. If you have a larger group of people in mind, simply ask them to come get ready with you!

If there’s one thing you take away from this whole post, it’s this: choose the people that will give you energy, not take it away. Because planning is stressful enough without involving outside parties. Plus, this is something that really only affects you and your partner and has nothing to do with the rest of the wedding. So remember, this your day, do what you think is best.


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

Planning Advice from Real Brides
wedding advice

It’s always great to learn from the pros, but sometimes it’s nice to hear from someone who has just walked the same path that you are currently on. Today we are sharing advice directly from our brides about what they found most surprising when planning their wedding.

“Remember to factor in vendor gratuity when thinking about money and budget”

              -  When getting a quote from your vendor, make sure to add whatever gratuity you choose to before deciding if they are in your budget. Nothing sounds worse than having to pull cash out of your honeymoon fund the week of your wedding to fill gratuity envelopes for all of your vendors. Plan ahead and you will thank you future self! 

“Florals are more expensive than you might expect” 

                - Trader Joe’s has spoiled us with beautiful bouquets of flowers for just $8. Your wedding flowers will take up much more of your budget than most people expect. These flowers will be hand selected and arranged just for you, including all bouquets, corsages, centerpieces, and ceremony backdrops. There are ways to cut costs like renting/buying silk flowers, getting married in a garden that is already covers in flowers, or (the most time consuming) putting together your own flower arrangements. 

“Planning a surprise elopement (where family comes and they just don’t know it’s a wedding) is maybe as stressful as a traditional wedding, just way cheaper”

            - Doing this will insure that you have minimal opinions being thrown at you at all times, but it also means you have to do everything by yourself (or hire a planner to help!). This is something that you will have to decide what is most important to you. If you thrive on surprises this is definitely for you!

“Vendors can easily take a week to get back to you with initial info (before even booking).”

               - Start reaching out to vendors as soon as possible so that you have as much time as possible to break down all of the details. The best vendors book up very far in advance and have a never ending stream of communication happening with their current and future couples, so you have to give them some grace if you hope to be one of the couples they are giving all of their attention to. 

“When COVID happens 3 weeks before your wedding date, don’t try to reschedule.  Just cancel and elope”

               - She said what she said 🤣 (don’t forget to have us sketch the beautiful memory for you after to gift to anyone who couldn’t be there!). Obviously, everyone’s situation is different, but definitely do not knock this option.

“I was really happy to have done premarital counseling!”

                - Some churches require this if you choose to get married there,  but counseling is never a bad idea! Even if you already live with your significant other, choosing to legally bind yourselves together is still a huge change. Having a 3rd (non bias) party can help sort through things you two might never have thought of! Being mentally prepared for this would start your marriage off on the right foot.

“Do whatever the fuck you want for your day.  Don’t invite people for the sake of it.  You can have the humblest and lowest budget wedding, but a good photographer and videographer will make it look like a million dollars”

                 - Before reaching out to any vendors or making any plans, the most important part of wedding planning is to decide what is top priority to you. For many people it’s the photographer, or the entertainment, or the dress. From there you decide what to cut costs on. The easiest way to dial back is by shrinking the guest list! There are so many pieces of your wedding are charged on a per-person basis, so less people = less money spent. We like to think of it as “if I wouldn’t want to take you to dinner on a regular basis, I don’t want to pay for your dinner at my wedding (respectfully)”.

Add your tips in the comments below to help other others that are getting married! 


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

5 Things to Know Before Booking your Make Up Artist
wedding make up artist

We know that finding the right makeup artist can be daunting. Also, let’s be real, it’s one of the most important parts of the wedding. Without that perfect makeup application, the photos and memories won’t look as good!

*And, no, your “really really good” every day make up skills are not the same as what a professional gives you to look great on camera*

Today on the blog we have Tahmina Zamarial of Zamarial Allure Studios. She’s a ridiculously talented, traveling professional makeup artist & hair stylist and I’ve brought her in to give us the top 5 things brides should know before they book their MUA for their special day.

  1. Book in Advance

Make up and hair artists can get booked just as far in advance as any other wedding vendor, so definitely do NOT put this off

2. Do your research and save inspiration photos

By doing your own research in advance, you’ll get familiar with pricing and the process for trials, booking, and day-of.  Remember to save your favorite looks to your Pinterest board or phone so you can show your potential MUA

3. Search for makeup artists that resonate with your favorite style

Just like no one dress fits all, the same goes for your MUA. Be sure to narrow down your search to those that will be able to work with your skin tone and actually be able to accomplish the look you’re going for

4. Ask for Consultation/Trial

It’s extremely important that you and your artist are on the same page (description terms don’t mean the same to everyone) and that they can not only deliver what you’re asking for, but be able to perfect it to exactly how you want to look

5. Don’t be shy about spending a little extra on your wedding MUA!

You’ve heard it before: “You get what you pay for”

Tahmina is based in DC and has over 10 years of make up artistry experience. She has worked with companies such as ULTA and MAC Cosmetics, and was trained by make up artist icon, Makeup by Mario. Tahmina says “My passion is fueled by my desire to help every person that sits in my chair to bring their inner beauty to shine on the outside”.

If you’d like to work with Tahmina for your wedding, you can learn more about her services and book at Be sure to follow her on Instagram @makeupbyzas and definitely check out the before and afters (my favorite!)


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

10 Steps to Wedding Planning
wedding timeline

Some of us have been planning our weddings since middle school, but there are still plenty of you out there that get engaged and have no idea what to do next. And many of us in the first category aren’t getting married any time soon… 

We have created a timeline for those brides-to-be that have a ring and no clue what to do next. Every wedding will be different, but this is the ideal step by step process to make sure you can have a stress-free I Do Day. 

Step 1

Enjoy being engaged! You can only call yourself a  fiancé for a short amount of time, so take as long as you want after the proposal to simply sit in the bliss of engaged life (even when people are asking you a million wedding questions 5 minutes after the proposal)

Step 2

Set your priorities and your budget. If you know what you are working with and what means the most to you, it will be easy to begin the search for vendors in your price point and be sure to do a little cost research before you start reaching out to vendors. If you’re hiring a wedding planner, now is definitely the time to do it so they can help with as much as possible

Step 3

Set the guest list. Depending on how willing you are to cut/ add depending on the perfect venue, this might go alongside step 2. We are here for the aesthetic though which means you see what the venue fits and you fill it accordingly. The most important thing to remember here is that nothing adds up as quickly as paying for people's dinner on your wedding night. The #1 way to save money on your wedding is to cut people from the guest list (the harsh but real truth).

Step 4

Location, location, location.  Venues book up extremely early so if your heart is set on a specific location you better act fast. This is especially important right now because you will still be competing with Covid brides. Typically booking your venue and setting a date happens one to two years in advance. Don’t rule out Friday weddings or “off season” months.

Pro tip: getting your venue for less than a year away isn’t always the best thing, even when available, because many of your other vendors will be booked already (photographer, band, etc)

Step 5

Say yes to the dress! It can take up to 8 months for a dress to be manufactured and then two to three months of alterations. You also don't want to be checking email constantly in the last few months before the wedding waiting for your dress to arrive. Order early enough to avoid stress and rush fees.

Step 6

Vendors! Hiring all of your vendors will need to happen 9 months to a year before your big day. This will include a caterer, photographer, videographer, band/DJ, and florist. By now you should have an idea of the overall aesthetic and color palette for the wedding. Also, don’t forget other vendors that might need a longer timeline, such as entertainers, stationers, or if you’re getting something custom created.


The finishing touches! In the last 6 months leading up to the wedding all of the big decisions should be made already. You are now left with sending the invites, planning the honeymoon (!), and day of transportation (if you haven’t done that already). A Cricut machine will be your best friend during this stage for decor and sign creation.  6 months is also the perfect time for your wedding party to order their outfits (they need time to get alterations too!).

Step 8

Organization. The month or 2 before your wedding will be the time that you start putting together all of the pieces that have been floating around in anticipation for the big day. Make sure you’ve scheduled out any beauty treatments and hair cuts, and the little things like place cards or wedding favors. This is also the time to get your seating chart in order.

Step 9

Delegate. If you’ve hired a wedding planner they will do this for you, but if not you’ll need to figure out “day of” timeline like hair/makeup, wedding party arrivals, steaming, time for breakfast, etc. and then assign people to make sure each of those things happen on time. You shouldn’t have to lift a finger on your wedding day!

Step 10

Deep breath. The morning of the wedding your goal will be to make sure your vows are written and that your glam squad is making you look like your absolute best. After that, whatever will happen will happen and is out of your control.

Happy Planning!


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

Tips for Planning a Destination Wedding
destination wedding planning

I’m probably one of the few people who look forward to destination weddings. I love to travel and usually just see it as an opportunity to go somewhere new and appreciate that I have friends who think the same way.

For the couple though, planning a wedding IN town can already be overwhelming so many don’t even want to consider elsewhere. Well, friends, it doesn’t have to be that way as long as you’re organized. First of all, you should be hiring a planner (we talked about that in a previous post) but I’ve also recruited destination planner Gabby Pinkerton from ‘Cause We Can Events to give ya’ll a few things to consider when you’re starting to plan your destination wedding:

  1. Marriage licenses

Getting a marriage license in another country can be really hard! I always recommend having a legal ceremony back home and doing a fun ceremony abroad. If you don't want to tell your friends and family that it's not actually the "real ceremony" have your officiant bring their own made up marriage certificate. No one needs to know!

2. Plan for wrinkled clothing

I like to bring a portable steamer to help steam the wrinkles out of your dress, tux, jumpsuit, you name it!

3. Tipping protocol

Not every country tips (and some even consider it an insult)! Read up on local and cultural best practices when it comes to tipping your vendors. This also applies in the general sense that your country of choice should match your personal preferences

4. Sim cards and cell phone plans

Your current cell phone plan may not work abroad. Be sure to call your provider before leaving to choose a plan that works best for you for contacting your vendors and keeping guests in the loop. I also like to download WhatsApp so that I can "text" vendors over wifi instead of through my phone provider. It's free!

Gabby and her team are based in Nashville and are a full service wedding planning company. But they’re more than that, they’re here to make your adventurous wedding dreams come true. They keep it personal and unique to you and your S.O. (there’s a reason I like them so much!) so check them out at and view all the gorgeous photos on Instagram @causewecanevents.

Happy Planning!

feathered arrow events

Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

Picking a Unique Wedding Ring
unique wedding rings

As someone who has worked in both fashion and bridal, it’s hard to truly “wow” me when I see engagement rings. Diamonds sure do lose their sparkle when you’ve seen what starts to feel like the same ring over and over again. (If I’ve ever complimented your ring, know that I REALLY do love it!)

Yes, you should feel bad for my significant other when it comes time for him to propose. 

That being said, to each her own! Everyone has their own personal style and there are engagement rings out there for everyone. Some may just be more easily googled than others! 

In this age of bucking traditions when it comes to wedding planning, I think you could also consider choosing a unique engagement ring. Now don’t try to tell me that your fiancé is picking out the ring and will be surprising you, we know that you are fully in control of that shared Pinterest board titled “💍”.  

When choosing a ring you really want, think about your personal style. Not the trends that you are following right now, but who you are down to the basics of your wardrobe. Are you preppy, edgy, classic, modern? If you don’t know, my suggestion is to see who you take style inspo from on Instagram and see what they hashtag. The key words should be right under your nose. Those are great descriptive words to use to start your search. 

For example, many people like a timeless look, but in a way that you literally can’t tell which decade your clothes are from. Personally, my wardrobe is half staple pieces from places like Target or online stores, and half vintage and pieces I bought abroad. If thrifting and sustainability are important to you, then a vintage ring is the PERFECT option.

This idea is not for everyone which is great because that keeps the cost of second hand rings down for me! If you are looking for a way to stay eco friendly when picking out your ring, moissanite is actually a great option. I know, I know, you are “supposed” to wear a diamond because they are a girl’s best friend! But we will negate that soon. Moissanite is being talked about a lot recently because it is a lot cheaper than diamonds (which means you get more sparkle for your buck) and they are lab grown, not mined in the same inhuman way that diamonds are. Think of it as saving the world one carat at a time!

That being said, who said you needed a clear stone?? If your personality is bright and colorful, why can’t your engagement ring represent that? This is a ring that you will be wearing consistently for years to come, make sure it fits in with your aesthetic. Ruby, emerald, sapphire, or any other precious stone would make for a beautiful forever ring.

If you need colored stone inspiration, check out your birthstone!  As a June baby I would definitely not mind incorporating pearls into my ring

Whatever you choose, whether it’s a simple stone on a simple band, a collection of stones placed to look like your favorite flower, or anything in between, it should be something you will be proud to show off now and at your 50th wedding anniversary. 

What does your dream ring look like??

feathered arrow events

Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn

Alternative Bridal Showers
alternative bridal shower

As we talked about the topic of bridal showers, we both agreed that we no longer care for any of the traditional events. That means today we are sharing with you the bridal showers we’d want to attend! The number one rule of all of these events is that there will not be toilet paper wrapped around the bride for any reason. 

  1. Dinner at your favorite restaurant

    Why make your future mother-in-law stress about making sure her living room is fixed up, and that there are enough snacks for the whole crowd when you could host the girls in the comfort of your favorite restaurant?! If it’s a smaller restaurant you can probably even rent out the whole place for the afternoon. This will make for a much more laid back atmosphere and will allow the host to enjoy the day as much as the guests. 

  2. Signature cocktail tasting for the wedding

    Have your whole crew come over for a day of cocktail tasting! This could be how you choose the perfect combo for your signature cocktails at your wedding. You could even serve some of the appetizers that will be presented at your cocktail hour as a glimpse of what’s to come! 

  3. Crafting day

    If your group is crafty, break out the Cricut and put them to work! You could have a fun day while also being productive, and anyone participating will feel proud to see their hard work on display at your wedding. Think welcome signs, signature cocktail signs, seating chart... the options are endless. 

  4. “Build your bar cart” party 

    This idea was stolen from TikTok and we’ve been waiting for an excuse to use it! If you are a younger couple (but still over 21) that is still establishing your home together, you can throw a build-your-bar-cart party! Everyone attending will bring something like a shaker, mixers, or just liquor bottles and get you ready for any future hosting you do. Feel free to also dig into the goods and have your friends and family show you their favorite cocktails so you feel fancy when trying to impress your next guests. 

  5. Backyard BBQ

    Why make things complicated when you can relax and enjoy the day? A BBQ would be a great way to get the men and kids involved too. Have a few people in charge of manning the grill for the day, put some side dishes and drinks on a table and enjoy the day playing cornhole and horseshoe while chatting about wedding plans and honeymoon excursions. 

Keep in mind, this is your wedding and your pre-wedding event. Make sure that whatever you are planning feels most like you. Rules and traditions are meant to be broken! Any of these events could even make for fun Spring and Summer activities, engaged or not.

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Get enough wine in her and she will tell you about her perfectly planned wedding. Just promise not to ask about the groom, that’s one detail she’s still working on. Lauren is based in NYC and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here

Ideas for Bridesmaid Proposals
bridesmaid proposal

After the big proposal comes the bridesmaids’ proposals.

Don’t know what a bridesmaid proposal is? It’s kind of like a “prom-posal” but for your bridesmaids. You put together a collection of gifts and notes, and then send it to your closest friends to ask them to be your bridesmaid (or maid of honor) when you tie the knot. Sometimes it includes jewelry with symbolic knots like necklaces or earrings, or coozies that have your wedding date on it, but we want to give you inspiration for gifts that your girls (or guys) will actually use!

Wedding day jewelry

Give your bride squad any jewelry you want them to accessorize with on your big day. Chances are they will wear it again, or at least have peace of mind knowing what they will wear to your wedding.

Custom sketches

Customize an illustration of you and your bridesmaid so that she can frame it as a forever reminder of your wedding day. Click here for custom sketches of you and your bride squad!

Custom wine glasses

Instead of getting anything with the word “bridesmaid” written on it, put her name and she will most likely use it every day and think of you, rather than sharing  the word “bridesmaid” around anything you gift.  This idea can apply to any “object”, we offer mugs, make up bags, and phone cases that you can custom design!

A shawl

This might sound cheesy, but if you give your bridesmaids something to keep her warm in her bridesmaid’s dress, she will use it for ALL future weddings and think of you! Something so simple could bring her years of fond memories.

Hair and makeup!

We know this isn’t really an “item” that can go in a bridesmaid proposal box, but offering to pay for your girls’ hair and makeup on your wedding day is a huge gift and would be widely appreciated.  Get a really pretty gift certificate to announce it, stick a few smaller objects in there and you have your box!

Whatever you choose to do to ask your bridal party to be apart of your big day, the most important thing is to make sure that they know why you couldn’t be who you are today without her. The priority of picking your bridal party is that each person knows she is so important to you that you want her to be a significant part of one of the most important days of your life.

Did we miss any fun bridesmaid proposal ideas that you think we should share?? Let us know in the comments!

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Get enough wine in her and she will tell you about her perfectly planned wedding. Just promise not to ask about the groom, that’s one detail she’s still working on. Lauren is based in NYC and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here

Ways to Customize Your Wedding
save the dates

If any of you have also been living on Bridal TikTok these last few months, your head is also spinning with ideas for your wedding! Besides learning how to politely tell your guests to leave their little ones at home, and how to save money (but absolutely not time) by making all of the floral decor yourself, we have also learned how to step out of the expected to make your wedding day memorable for you and your guests. 

  1. Welcome surprises! 

We all know that weddings never start exactly on time, which means that guests are usually left empty handed and mingling with strangers, unsure of what to do or where to stand. On Instagram we saw a recommendation to have guests put their drink of choice with their RSVP so that they could be handed a cocktail (or mocktail) upon arrival. GENIUS!! You could even have a little charcuterie board ready for guests to snack on while they are waiting for you to get all of the final touches taken care of without being rushed

2. Ceremony backdrop! 

The background of where you say “I DO” is a place for countless customization options. This could be a wall of flowers, a photo backdrop, a metal arch with flowers and greenery placed strategically. Just having your officiant and a few flower arrangements behind you is a thing of the past. Choose a backdrop that will represent who you are as a couple (and what type of decor you will decorate your house with because these pictures will be hanging on your walls forever). This is also an amazing way to bring in small businesses to your wedding day! This may feel like 1 of the million decisions you have to make, but to whoever you hire to create this backdrop, this will be their main focus. Hire a professional if you want it to be memorable! 

3. Photo ops! 

We all love a photo booth, but sometimes they can give us flack backs to our awkward prom date or a children's birthday party. Make your guests’ photos Instagram worthy by commissioning a custom photo background! This could be a huge floral backdrop, a sketch of you and your fiancé so it feels like you in every picture, or even just a print that is inspired by your other stationary. Your guests will line up all night to get a picture with the perfect background and lighting, so don’t forget a ring light to make sure they look amazing. Click here to order yours!

4. Your gown!

Even your wedding gown can be customized from head to toe if you are willing to put in the trust and imagination that it would require! If that sounds like a lot, you also have options of customizing dresses that you order from bridal salons. Some designers have customizing options when ordering like lining/unlined, extending/shortening the train, adding/removing sleeves. If the designer can’t make changes when creating the dress, there are also a lot of customization options that can happen in alterations. A tailor can build up a dress to make it more modest by ordering extra elements from the original dress, they can lower the back of the dress to show off your curves even better, or they can add beading to make the whole dress shine under the lights of your reception. You could even have a veil custom made to match your gown! Just keep in mind the changes that you want to make when considering your budget for your dream dress! 

What are you going to have customized to make your big day special?? Let us know below!

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Get enough wine in her and she will tell you about her perfectly planned wedding. Just promise not to ask about the groom, that’s one detail she’s still working on. Lauren is based in NYC and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here

You Need a Wedding Planner, Here's Why
wedding planner

“Do I need to hire a wedding planner?”

Hi! Sam here. Yes, you can plan a perfectly wonderful wedding without one, but I’m here to tell you that the longer I’m in the wedding space, the more I find myself telling people GET A PLANNER. To further drive home this point, I recruited wedding planner Kari Dirksen of Feathered Arrow Events to guest write this post so she can get into the details of why you need one. Tell ‘em, Kari!

As a wedding planner, I am constantly educating my clients and potential clients on the importance of hiring a wedding planner and why everyone should hire one for their big day! You should always make room in the budget and hire one from the very beginning of wedding planning because you’ll be way less stressed and prepared throughout the process. I’m sharing my top reasons as to why a wedding planner is a great idea!

#1 (and most important) reason to hire a wedding planner

We are there for YOU! If your venue also has a Venue Coordinator, they really are only there to serve the venue. A wedding planner however, services the couple. We are your advocates, confidants and experts in the field and during the event. Wedding planners will help you weather any storm. Both literally (rain plan, anyone?) and figuratively. One year, I helped move an entire wedding for a couple in one week whose original venue was evacuated due to a wildfire. This past year was a real doozy for couples everywhere. I helped so many of my couples postpone plans, reschedule vendors and be a go-between all the parties.

#2 We’re there to hold your hand through it all

I’m not only helping to plan your wedding, I can also help you design your wedding to keep things cohesive + beautiful. A wedding planner has an eye for design and knows all the details, both big and small, that will wow your guests.

#3 We read contracts

Yes, all the fine print. As a wedding planner, one of my jobs is to pour over your contracts to make sure you aren’t surprised with hidden fees, and familiarize myself with all the policies/guidelines and making sure that you sign a legit contract so that both parties are protected.

#4 We keep you on track!

Planning your wedding doesn’t have to be stressful with the right planner by your side. We will create your to-do checklists, timeline, seating chart, budgets, etc. Then we coordinate this information with all of your vendors to make sure everyone is on the same page to keep the big day as smooth as possible! One of the first steps I encourage newly engaged couples to do is to make an estimated budget. As your wedding planner, I can help you build this with realistic price expectations so you don’t accidentally misspend your budget on a few select items.

#5 It takes a village to execute a wedding!

Wedding planners have tons of relationships with people in the industry and are a great resource for the best venues + vendors. We can help you find someone not only within your budget, but also someone you are excited to work with + love their style. Researching the right vendors can take hours but we can help you narrow that down right away. Wedding planners will come to meetings with you, run your rehearsal, be one of the first ones on-sight to set up décor and one of the last to leave after packing everything up.

#6 We come prepared the day of the wedding

And with an emergency kit full of goodies to fix just about anything. I have seen a lot in my day. Ripped dress seams, table numbers flying off tables due to high winds…you name it. Over the years, I have expanded my emergency wedding kit to quickly resolve any crisis that arises.

#7 We keep the day running on time and troubleshoot!

A wedding planner’s job is to keep the wedding running as smoothly and stress-free as possible…but sometimes, things happen. Maybe it’s a vendor issue, or a guest concern; we find solutions so you can continue to enjoy your celebration uninterrupted. Most of the time couples don’t ever know of any minor mishaps because we have it under control.

#8 Hiring a wedding planner means you and your guests can enjoy the day!

I can understand the thought process that letting your friends or family help with decorations might save some money, but ultimately it’s not worth it. You want everyone enjoying the celebration worry free. Not stressing about moving chairs or setting things up.

No one has ever regretted hiring a wedding planner to help them with what is typically the most important day of their lives. You can still be involved and plan or design as much as you want but having an expert guide along the way never hurt anybody. Good luck planning and if you need a wedding planner, please head to our website and fill out our inquiry form at

Happy Planning!

feathered arrow events

Kari Dirksen, Author

Kari is the owner of Feathered Arrow Events and host of The Local Table podcast. When this native Iowan farm girl isn’t in her office designing weddings or planning epic celebrations, you can find her learning how to make the perfect latte or traveling to Yosemite. She loves to give back and is a self proclaimed donut connoisseur. Follow her on Instagram @featheredarrowevents

Stand Out Save the Dates
save the dates

Now that we are back to being able to schedule weddings, we thought you might want a few ways to make your Save The Date’s more unique! A simple card with an engagement photo and your wedding location/ date does the job, but why not leave a real impression?  Remember, this is the first piece of correspondence related to your big day, so use the opportunity to set the wedding tone!

1. Wooden magnets 

We know magnets with photo or collage were popular for a while, but why not get creative with the material?

2. Coasters

It doesn’t get better than something that is both unique and useful

3. Maps with the location circled

OR a save the date that folds open like a map? Très intéressant

4. Polaroids

The creative cousin to the typical save the date, especially for those going for a vintage theme!


Literary couples unite! Also another dual purpose option

6. A custom illustration (from us obvi 😉)

You know we got you, click here!

7. A scratch off (lottery style)

Make it fun!

8. A calendar page

Give your date announcement a twist, or even a fun way to tell people you’ve changed your date?

9. Anything unique to you and your fiancé’s love story- sports related , or cooking (like wooden spoon)

We always say, the more personal the better

Have you ever received a save the date that really stood out to you? Let us know in the comments!

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Get enough wine in her and she will tell you about her perfectly planned wedding. Just promise not to ask about the groom, that’s one detail she’s still working on. Lauren is based in NYC and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here

10 Ideas for Unique Wedding Gifts
unique wedding gifts

Let’s be honest, most people that are getting married nowadays are already set up in their homes and aren’t super desperate for the latest version of the Keurig coffee machine. Unless you’re contributing to their honeymoon or house fund or gifting money, there are A LOT more creative things you could be giving the newlyweds. Read on for fun ideas if you want to go off registry…or add to mixing bowl set you already sent their way.

1. A custom wedding illustration by Samialynn!

If a photo says 1,000 words, a custom illustration shows your love with no need for any words

2. A private cooking class

The new couple could spend an evening learning to cook a delicious meal that they will then be able to recreate for any special at-home date nights

3. A case of wine with custom labels for all the things that happen in the first year

This could be anything from their first night at home as a married couple, first fight, first snow day, and finally, first anniversary

4. Mr. and Mrs. Sports jerseys for their favorite team

Did the happy couple bond over a sports team? Custom make then jerseys with Mr. and Mrs. Last Name with their wedding date on the back

5. Road signs pointing to important locations like first date, wedding location, honeymoon.

This could be yard signs, or hung in their home, as long as it brings fond memories every time they look at it

6. Monthly flower subscription

They just paid an absurd amount of money for one special day, keep them surrounded by fresh flowers and gift them a bouquet subscription

7. Scratch off map to scratch off the places they have traveled

Couples who love traveling will love scratching off their vacation locations to reveal the photo below. This will also work as a way for them to choose their next trip

8. A personalized shadow box

Customize it with an image of them, or their monogram, ready to collect anything they want like wine corks, beer tops, or tickets

9. A raclette cheese grill

… just trust me. Gooey delicious cheese drizzled on top of grilled meats and veggies. Filling and fun!

10. The “Our Place” pans that are the talk of the Instagram town right now

I don’t even enjoy cooking and Instagram is convincing me that I need this pan

You’re now set with a solid list that will last you quite a few weddings (or recycle ideas, we won’t tell!) and get you all the “best guest” points. Happy shopping!

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Get enough wine in her and she will tell you about her perfectly planned wedding. Just promise not to ask about the groom, that’s one detail she’s still working on. Lauren is based in NYC and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here

Bridal Shower Games You'll Actually WANT to Play
bridal shower games

So you were titled Maid Of Honor?

It is now your duty to plan the bridal shower. This comes with the responsibility of choosing the bridal shower games. First thing’s first- if you pull out a roll of toilet paper to trick the guests into mocking up wedding dresses made out of two ply, you will see eyes glazing over before the food is served. 

We have looked deep into the depths of the history of bridal shower games and came out with the best of the worst options for your prenuptial celebrations! 

1. Flower arranging

Get dollar store vases and grocery store fresh flowers and have the girls create their own bouquet. This will also be the decor at the party that will essentially clean itself up as people leave. 

2. The couple likes to cook? Fill out recipe cards

Have each person at the wedding fill out a card with their favorite recipe which will then create a book of meals for the newlywed couple 

3. Wine tasting

Get creative with your choices of wine. Maybe one from every place the bride and groom have visited, or where they are from. Or just ask the helpful clerks at Trader Joe’s for their favorites. You could even use the bottles first for the garter toss. 

4. Garter toss

Set up bottles of your choosing (we vote wine bottles, but this could also be sparkling cider) and have each guest take turns tossing the garter, trying to hook a bottle. Whoever rings the most bottles wins the bottle or another prize!

5. Heads up- bridal addition!

This could include everything from Wedding Gown to the Bridesmaid movie. We vote that you have to drink every time you lose a round!

6. Hidden gems

There will be hidden gems around the party and as they are found the person who spotted it first gets a prize or just a fresh glass of champagne 

7. The “what’s in your phone” game

Get up close and personal with the guests to find out what’s really hidden beneath their passcodes. This can be as scandalous as you want to make it! Last (wo)man standing (with the most unique phone finds) wins. 

8. Write my vows

Have either groups or individuals write the bride’s vows. They will be read in front of the group and the most creative/fun wins a prize.

Have fun!

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Get enough wine in her and she will tell you about her perfectly planned wedding. Just promise not to ask about the groom, that’s one detail she’s still working on. Lauren is based in NYC and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here

Locations for Destination Weddings
destination wedding

As we are all slowly coming out from a lock down with travel vouchers just sitting in our email ready to be put to use, we thought we would share some destination wedding inspiration today. In our last post we shared ideas for micro weddings since traditional weddings as we knew them are becoming a thing of the past, but why not take advantage of the smaller guest count and get out of your backyard? Unfortunately, some of these locations may not be accessible to us Americans for a while, but all the more time for planning! 

When planning a destination wedding we recommend having a go-to person with his/her feet on the ground that is able to speak directly to all of the vendors you will be working with for your wedding. This will probably be a wedding planner, or close family member that lives close to the venue. 

We have put together our dream destinations depending on what your preferred background may be for your nuptials. 

Mountain Views:

Washington state - We heard a rumor that you can get married in a tree house!

Tropical Paradise:

The Caribbean - Make life easy for your guests and you by planning the whole wedding weekend in a resort which will help the celebration last for days rather than just one night.

Mellow Mediterranean:

Amalfi Coast, Italy - I made the mistake of missing this stop on my last Italy trip, so now you need to go and send pictures!

Countryside Romance:

Ireland - This is where the real party is, a Guinness (or whiskey) toast for everyone! 

Exotic Adventures:

Bali - Culture, Beauty, and villas for days!

Change it up:

Pick a location where your family is from and explore the area! This could be domestic or international, the goal is just to get out of your neighborhood. 

*Don’t forget to get the paperwork side of wedding planning done before you leave if you’re choosing a location abroad. You will want to be legally married when you say “I Do!” *

Happy traveling!

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren Allen, Author

Lauren is a bridal consultant and self-published author, with a background in celebrity styling and bridal make up artistry. You can find her with an oat milk cappuccino in the morning, and a glass of Cabernet at night, her real passions. Get enough wine in her and she will tell you about her perfectly planned wedding. Just promise not to ask about the groom, that’s one detail she’s still working on. Lauren is based in NYC and her book “How to Be 23” can be found here

8 Reasons to Work with a Luxury Wedding Photographer
luxury wedding photographer.png

The search for your wedding vendor team has begun and by that I mean the stress of sifting through the hundreds of caterers, planners, bands, and everyone else needed to throw your dream wedding. You’ve probably realized by now that you need to either up the budget a little or cut back on a few ideas.

The one place you shouldn’t cut from? Your photos.

(and the food, but I digress)

Meet Berit Bizjak (illustrated above):

She’s a luxury wedding photographer with 20 years experience in the industry. Her first photo job experience was as a sports photographer (the football fan in me is LIVING for this) in NYC after getting her BFA in Photography (honors, ya’ll!) and only after that did she start concentrating in fine art photography and assisting other photographers at weddings. Fast forward to after her kids being in school full time, she founded her business, Images by Berit. But, she didn’t stop there and proceeded to spend the next 2 years in intensive training so she could learn how to best run her business and photograph weddings. She has since become a Certified Professional Photographer and Berit says this is “a milestone that means that I can actually succeed in the unusual combination of technical and artistic skills, also known as fine art wedding photography”.

So much more goes into being a wedding photographer than people realize so Berit has given us a few reasons why it’s completely worth it to spend those extra bucks and go “luxury”:

1. They got the skills

By the time a photographer has reached the level of photographing high-end weddings, her skills will be second nature, allowing her to be fully present and creative on your day of celebration. You won’t have to worry about consistency in her documentation and portraiture, or having the proper equipment and back-ups to do the work

2. They can actually handle your wedding day sh*t

Calmness is key, as well as organization and professionalism. Your photographer should be accustomed to working with event planners and other professionals in high-demand environments that involve precise timing. She’s always got your back

3. They never stop learning

We continually take courses, seminars, and live training, as the industry is constantly evolving. This will cumulatively affect the results of your images

4. They understand the importance of a timeline

She understands the cadence of your wedding day, as most of us have photographed hundreds and hundreds of weddings. Your photographer should know how to multitask and know what to expect while welcoming the unexpected, too! If you live in the northeast, we also know how to work with and prepare for constantly changing lighting. From dark ballrooms to shooting on a sun-drenched beach, it’s all in our back pocket

5. They’re dedicated

Successful luxury photographers love their craft, and love humanity. She gets excited about learning new cultures and traditions, and studies them in detail prior to your wedding day. Her dedication and love of people should show in everything she does

6. No shortcuts. Ever.

She loves the work, and spends unlimited time with her clients before, during, and even after your wedding. The quality of her products and albums are the best in the industry, with every detail attended to

7. They take the time to make everything feel right

She takes the time to get to know you as a couple (engagement photo sessions are great for this), and it shows in your imagery. Couples should look and feel relaxed, and should have some fun, also! Creating unique portraiture that you are comfortable with is important

8. They get you the results you want

There is a reason you love her work, and you may not know exactly why, but I would say it’s because of all of the above. Experience does cost more, but photography is the only tangible from your wedding that grows more valuable with time

Just to drive #8 home: remember that when all is said and done, what you’re left with to remember your special day (besides your memories) are your photos/video, so make sure they’re the best they can be!

You can find Berit on Instagram @imagesbyberit or peak her BEAUTIFUL photos through her website, She’s not only a talented photographer, but is such a genuine person with a love for learning and passion for celebrating the differences that make us who we are.

Owner of SamiaLynn, Samantha Shammas

Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn